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CPCC COLLEGE CONNECTION (Priority Freshman Registration)

College Connection is a program offered by Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC) that allows seniors in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School system to have priority registration at the college combined with personalized guidance throughout the entire enrollment process.  The program allows seniors to tailor their class schedule around home and work.


Any Ardrey Kell senior who plans to enroll at CPCC in the fall 2018 semester is encouraged to attend the CPCC College Connection field trip on Monday, April 30, 2018.  This field trip experience affords students who plan to enroll at CPCC a greater familiarity with the campus environment and academic programs.  Students will also hear from current students at CPCC and register early for classes.


To attend this field trip you must complete the steps outlined below.  The deadline to complete these steps and submit your field trip permission forms to Mr. Knoblich (D225) is Wednesday, March 28, 2018.


Touch base with Mr. Knoblich ( with any questions or concerns.


To attend this field trip you must complete the steps below. The deadline to complete these steps and submit your field trip permission forms to Mr. Knoblich (D225) is Wednesday, March 28th.


Deadline:  Wednesday, March 28. 2018


Step 1: Determine Residency Status. CPCC requires verification of residency.  Click the following link to create an account with the Residency Determination Service (RDS) of North Carolina.  Click Create Account at the bottom of the page to begin the residency determination process.


Step 2:  Complete the CPCC online application.  Complete the CCP online application using the following link:  Once your application has been processed you will receive an admissions letter by email from   This letter will include your Student ID Number (You will need that number when creating your CPCC login).  


Step 3: Create your CPCC LoginAfter you complete the Online CCP Application you will receive your CPCC ID # within 24 hours via the email that you used to register.  Note: Your CPCC ID # must be included on your application that is turned into Mr. Knoblich.  


Step 4: Activate your CPCC E-mail AddressCPCC provides an official student email account to every student. Your CPCC Login is also your CPCC Email. This CPCC email is the college's official means of communicating with students, the Cashiering Office, instructors, advisors, and for campus alerts. You should check your CPCC student email every day.


Step 5: Request your high school transcript to be sent to CPCC through Naviance.  

Transcript Request Process: 

  1. Login to your Naviance account:

  2. Click on Colleges tab

  3. Click on Colleges I'm Applying To

  4. Click on Request Transcripts

  5. For each transcript you are requesting, check the box next that says "add request"

  6. Print the confirmation page and bring that page to your counselor*** this step is extremely important - your counselor will not know you requested a transcript unless you bring them the paper request***

Payment: You get two transcripts sent for free. After that, they are $5 each and can be paid for through Online Payment System linked from the main AK website. Staple your reciept to the transcript request, if necessary. 


Step 6: Send SAT or ACT test scores to CPCC, or schedule a placement exam through CPCC.

SAT Request Process: 

  1. Login to or create your College Board account at: 

  2. Follow the prompts to request your scores. Here is a video that will walk you through the process:

ACT Request Process: 

  1. Login to or create your ACT Web Account at:

  2. Follow the prompts to request your scores. Here is a video that will walk you through the process:


If you do not have SAT or ACT scores to provide to CPCC, you will need to register for the Accuplacer placement test through CPCC.

Accuplacer Scheduling Process: 

  1. Visit:

  2. Follow the steps to register to take the test. Testing times are available each day, Monday through Friday.


Step 7: Complete the Ardrey Kell Field Trip Application. Deadline is Wedneday, March 28, 2018.


Step 8: Complete and submit field trip permission formsDeadline is Wedneday, March 28, 2018.


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