National Career Development Month
This November marks the 48th annual National Career Development Month. In recognition of this month, check out the ways you can advance your college and career plans now. Start planning your career early and you will be well on your way to professional success.
Where do I start?
1. One of the simplest ways to start developing your resume and build experience is by getting involved through AK or the Charlotte Community. You can join a student organization, write for the student newspaper, complete a research project or try out for the next theatre production. It is amazing how much you can accomplish if you simply just show up.
2. Speak with, or shadow, a professional in your future career field.
3. Make a quick list of your accomplishments during the past year for your future resume.
4. Read about careers at O*Net or the Occupational Outlook Handbook.
5. Complete a career interest inventory through Naviance to identify the top occupations that match your interests. Speak with your counselor or career development coordinator to learn more about these resources.
6. Browse your college or university catalog and identify three course descriptions that sound engaging.
7. Many employers are using behavior-based interview questions which require you to share a story that demonstrates a specific skill. Assess your accomplishments during the past year to identify a time you solved a problem, worked on a team or managed a large project. Remember to provide evidence that demonstrates your effectiveness.
8. Identify your favorite classes, past achievements and hobbies. Assess if these interests align with your career goals or academic major.
9. Talk with upper-class students to solicit their advice and to learn more about colleges, volunteer programs, internships, and ways to be involved.
10. Talk with friends and family about their own professional journey. Inquire about the process they utilized to select their careers and achieve their goals. You might be surprised to discover a shared experience or a helpful technique.
11. Hit the books. In a recent Job Outlook Survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, three out of four respondents stated that they screen candidates by their GPA.
12. Review the privacy settings of Facebook and other social networks you use to ensure that your personal information is protected.
13. Identify the professional associations or certification agencies of your future career field. Visit their websites to learn more about upcoming events or job requirements.
14. Update your email address to reflect a higher level of professionalism. Potential employers and college representatives do not want to contact
15. Say, “Thank you.” Send a personal note to someone who has invested in your development.
16. Volunteer. You’ll not only give back to the community, but you will also gain valuable job skills and confirm your career interests.
17. Engage in conversations with a mentor, faculty member, staff member or respected peer about your career goals.
*Adapted from